Compila il modulo sotto per sapere se il tuo dominio è disponibile e registralo. è una Web Agency che fornisce ad aziende e privati tutti quei servizi che sono connessi ad internet: hosting, registrazione domini, realizzazione siti internet, e-commerce, sviluppo applicazioni web, servizio Sem, servizio Seo.


Durata servizio
Redirect verso altro sito
Gestione dns
. it .com .net .org .info .name .biz .mobi .pro
€ 20,00/annuali (Iva esclusa)
puoi cercare un singolo dominio o tutte le estensioni'); // Command in a main window define('CHECK_BUTTON', 'Controlla'); // Check button text define('ALL_TEXT', 'Tutti'); // Text to display for all domains checking define('FOOTER_TEXT', 'Please wait for the answer - due to whois servers overload it may take a while to lookup all names. Sometimes you may need to reload the page and repeat lookup.'); // bottom text define('FOOTER_RELOAD_TEXT', 'Aggiorna'); // text of the link to reload the page define('Realizzazione', ''); // Text to display in a footer, please do not change if you don't have to // ====================================================================================== // MIDDLE PAGE LAYER LANGUAGE SETTINGS (only if enabled in "mrwhois_config.php") // ====================================================================================== define('WAIT_TITLE', 'Attendere Prego ...'); define('WAIT_MESSAGE', 'If the lookup takes too long (more than a minute), click here to reload the page and try again.'); // ====================================================================================== // RESULT PAGE LANGUAGE SETTINGS // ====================================================================================== define('LINK_REGISTER_TEXT', 'REGISTRA'); // Register link text define('STATUS_BAR_REGISTER_TEXT', 'Register'); // Status bar register message - when hovered over the "Register" link define('STATUS_BAR_DETAILS', 'Details of'); // Status bar "Details of" - when hovered over "Details" link define('LINK_TAKEN_DETAILS', 'Dettagli'); // "Details" text define('LINK_TAKEN_GOTO', 'Vedi sito'); // "Goto" text define('BUTTON_NEXT', 'Avanti >>'); // "Next" button - used with FORM/POST submitting. Used with PROCESSING_TYPE = "2" in "config.php" define('CLOSE_BUTTON_TEXT', 'Chiudi finestra'); // "Close" button text in a details window define('AVAILABLE_TEXT', 'Disponibile'); // Text displayed if the domain is available define('NOT_AVAILABLE_TEXT', 'Occupato'); // Text displayed if the domain is not available define('CANONICAL_TEXT', '(canonical)'); // Displayed when domain name is a canonical name, but may still be available define('RESTRICTION_TEXT', 'If there are any restrictions at whois server, you may not be able to view any details about this domain.'); // ====================================================================================== // ERROR MESSAGES LANGUAGE SETTINGS // ====================================================================================== define('ERROR_TOO_SHORT', 'Il nome del dominio che hai inserito è troppo breve - inserisci almeno 3 caratteri'); // Error message if the domain name is too short define('ERROR_TOO_LONG', 'Il nome del dominio che hai inserito è troppo lungo - inserisci massimo 63 caratteri'); // Error message if the domain name is too short'); // Error message if the domain name is too long define('ERROR_HYPHEN', 'Domain names cannot begin or end with a hyphen or contain double hyphens'); // Error message if the domain starts with hyphen or contains double hyphen define('ERROR_CHARACTERS', 'Il nome del dominio può contenere solo caratteri alfanumerici e/o trattini'); // Error message if the domain contains other characters than letters, digits or hyphens // This is the message displayed when someone performs a search for 'all' tld's, including ".name". // There are different rules for .name domains, they have to include "." (a dot) within the name // while other domains must not include ".". Your visitor is warned to perform a separate search. define('NAME_WARNING', ''); // and potential errors: define('ERROR_NAME_DOT', '.name tld must include . (a dot) in its name, eg. john.smith'); define('ERROR_NAME_LEN', 'A second part of .name tld (after dot) must be at least 3 characters long'); ?> <? echo PAGE_TITLE_META; ?>

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